Could your relationship survive travelling together


I once expressed loving concern about a person close to me prior to them travelling with their new interest. When they came back and broke up, did I feel guilt? Yes. Was I the cause? No. It does however prove the point that taking a vacation together can make or break a couple. It is true… it can either create a chasm that you can’t overcome or it can unify with complimentary skills and amazing memories.

When it came time for my new ‘person’ and I to travel with two of my rug rats in tow, I was sceptical and concerned. It could blow up and the relationship could implode. We would be under a new microscope that I wasn’t accustomed to… and the up-shot is that I could see my person in a new light.

Any little nuance, favourable or not, becomes magnified on a holiday. It doesn’t have to be all bad, it can be the best experience of your life. If you aren’t meant to be with this person, wouldn’t you prefer to know sooner rather than decades down the track?

The type of travel that you pick is a reflection of you and what you like.

How you choose to pack and get organised for the trip can impress or irritate. Do you open a bag months before and throw items that you want to take but done need now in it? Do you become obsessed with having everything done before you leave? Are you a last minute packer? Is your luggage coordinated and neat or do you throw everything in and sort it out on location?

Do you have the last-minute panics? Did you lock the front door? Turn off the hot water?

Are you an endless list maker?

If you forgot something do you go with the flow or make a big deal out of it?

Are you a person who loves drama and intentionally locks fights while away?

Do you recognise your partners interests and support or encourage them? Do you make space for them to shine?

Is your partner aware of your needs and acts accordingly to make you comfortable and feel considered?

Is your partner or are you interested in surrounds, requiring and social or A recluse, timid, shy? Do you balance each other out or compliment each other?

Do you share food or are you exclusive eaters?

Do you share the same digital or social media boundaries?

It amuses me to see one partner forever taking selfies or fiddling with their phone while the couple are supposed to be enjoying a romantic dinner for two. Unless there is a pressing family or work concern, phones need to be put aside for date night or during quality time.

Ultimately, travelling is a great way only putting your relationship into a unique pressure-cooker and seeing what the end result is - are you friends, Fire crackers, ships passing in the night or amazing, complimentary companions for travel, life and romance.

Weigh up the pros, cons, areas for improvement and whether the obstacles can be overcome after travelling together is a wonderful litmus test to the future success of your relationship.

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